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The Board of Managers held a regular meeting Tuesday September 8, 2009 in the Mary Haley Room at Edmond Town Hall located at 45 Main Street Newtown, CT. 06470.  Vice Chair Sandy Motyka called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m.

PRESENT: Sandy Motyka, Jay Gill, Marie Smith, Kathy Madzulla, Jim Juliano, Mary Fellows.
ALSO PRESENT: Building Administrator Tom Mahoney, Building Superintendant Clark Kathan. Two members of the Cultural Arts Commision Jennifer Johnston and Barbara Gaines.

Public Participation:
Two members of the Cultural Arts Commission, Jennifer Johnston and Barbara Gaines addressed the Board regarding the current going rate for renting the Edmond Town Hall Theatre also regarding renovating, refurbishing and promoting the theatre on a larger scale.
Ms. Johnston stated that it has been a financial hardship in the past to rent the theatre for smaller non-profit groups.  Ms. Johnston requested that the Board consider reducing the rental fees so as to possibly get more traffic into the Edmond Town Hall.
Ms. Johnston and Ms. Gaines went on to explain that the Cultural Arts Commission will be putting together 6 shows annually as part of the Radio Café which broadcasts on PKN and is heard from Bridgeport to Long Island. The shows are very family oriented and community based. Ms. Johnston and Ms. Gaines feel as though the Edmond Town Hall is the perfect local theatre setting for such shows and the possibility of expanding into other venues.
Ms. Johnston stated that the primary reason they were in attendance was to address the Board regarding the consideration of reducing the theatre rate and to begin an open communication relationship with the Cultural Arts Commission on renovating and further promoting the Town Hall in multiple venues.
Ms. Gaines stated that this is good timing to introduce the Arts to Newtown and bringing family together to a different kind of entertainment during difficult financial times.

Ms. Johnston stated that the Cultural Arts Commission would believe a reasonable and comparable rate for the Edmond Town Hall Theatre would be around $2000.00

Ms. Motyka requested that Marcy Becker collaborate everyone’s email addresses so that each group may be in touch. Additionally, that Ms. Fellows follow up on the State grant for historical building renovations.

Acceptance of Minutes from August 17, 2009:
The acceptance the August 17, 2009 minutes have been tabled.


Building Administrators Report:
Mr. Mahoney addressed the Board regarding the 2009 Summer revenue totaling $133,681.05.  Mr. Mahoney stated that theatre revenue has increased since last year.
Additionally, Mr. Mahoney questioned the Board regarding the possibility of the Managers Office being moved to what is currently known as the Selectman’s Office.  Mr. Mahoney explained that having their offices more in the front of the building would help in terms of being readily available to those seeking help, also to be close to the theatre and concession stand in addition to gaining more space for the Building Superintendent, Clark Kathan as well as more storage space.

Ms. Fellows moved to approve the Managers Office moving to the current Selectman’s Office for greater visibility, security and informational purposes.
Ms. Smith seconded motion. All were in favor.

Additonally, Mr. Mahoney stated that he was approached by the First Selectman, Joseph Borst who had requested information regarding which Boards and Commissions (if any) would be getting charged a rental fee for holding meetings in the Town Hall.

Ms. Motyka stated that as long as the Board or Commission is strictly that of the Town Of Newtown, the meeting may proceed with no fee, however, the meetings must be “regular meetings” and not any type of event, workshop, function or seminar.

Mr. Mahoney also reported that he had been approached by a local garbage removal company, Associated Refuse Haulers to replace the Edmond Town Hall’s current garbage removal contract with DWD.
Mr. Mahoney stated that Associated Refuse Haulers are less expensive than DWD.

Ms. Smith moved to proceed with a contract with Associated Refuse Haulers of Sandy Hook, CT. and to discontinue the contract with DWD.   Ms. Madzulla seconded motion. All were in favor.

Building Superintendent’s Report:
Mr. Kathan reported to the Board that the Alexandria Room closet needs to be painted as the closet was not part of the estimate and contract to paint the Alexandria Room.

Also, one boiler needs to get running and Edgerton was the lowest bidder.

Chairman’s Report:
Ms. Motyka stated that the Mary Hawley Society will be meeting next week, the Board will begin design on the Town Hall website as all domain names have been purchased.

Bills for Payment:
Ms. Motyka stated that she has spoken to Town Attorney David Grogins regarding their $432.00 bill.  Mr. Grogins stated that it was possibly an accounting error and their office will adjust the bill.

Ms. Smith moved to approve the bills for payment for the theatre and the building totaling $36,700.90 (not including the Town Attorney bill to be adjusted).
Mr. Gill seconded motion.   All were in favor.

Ms. Motyka stated that the VNA has requested storage space and the Board would like to accommodate them if at all possible.

Unfinished Business:
Perssonel Reviews to be discussed during executive session.

Having no further business, Ms. Smith moved to adjourn the regular meeting of the Board of Managers at 8:45 p.m.  Ms. Fellows seconded.  All were in favor.

The Board moved into executive session at 8:49 p.m.
Ms. Smith moved that the Board of Managers will agree to a 3% cost of living increase for three employees effective November 1, 2009.  Those employees are: Building Admisitrator Tom Mahoney, Building Superintendent Clark Kathan and Office Manager Marcy Becker. Ms. Madzula seconded. All were in favor.

No other action was taken, the meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.


                                                        Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk